Source code for hepstats.splot.sweights

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import Any

import numpy as np

from ..utils import eval_pdf
from import is_valid_pdf
from .exceptions import ModelNotFittedToData
from .warnings import AboveToleranceWarning

[docs] def is_sum_of_extended_pdfs(model) -> bool: """Checks if the input model is a sum of extended models. Args: model: the input model/pdf Returns: True if the model is a sum of extended models, False if not. """ if not hasattr(model, "get_models"): return False return all(m.is_extended for m in model.get_models()) and model.is_extended
[docs] def compute_sweights(model, x: np.ndarray) -> dict[Any, np.ndarray]: """Computes sWeights from probability density functions for different components/species in a fit model (for instance signal and background) fitted on some data `x`. i.e. model = Nsig * pdf_signal + Nbkg * pdf_bkg Args: model: sum of extended pdfs. x: data on which `model` is fitted Returns: dictionary with yield parameters as keys, and sWeights for correspoind species as values. Example with **zfit**: Imports: >>> import numpy as np >>> import zfit >>> from zfit.loss import ExtendedUnbinnedNLL >>> from zfit.minimize import Minuit Definition of the bounds and yield of background and signal species: >>> bounds = (0.0, 3.0) >>> nbkg = 10000 >>> nsig = 5000 >>> obs = zfit.Space('x', limits=bounds) Generation of data: >>> bkg = np.random.exponential(0.5, nbkg) >>> peak = np.random.normal(1.2, 0.1, nsig) >>> data = np.concatenate((bkg, peak)) >>> data = data[(data > bounds[0]) & (data < bounds[1])] >>> N = data.size >>> data =, array=data) Model definition: >>> mean = zfit.Parameter("mean", 1.2, 0.5, 2.0) >>> sigma = zfit.Parameter("sigma", 0.1, 0.02, 0.2) >>> lambda_ = zfit.Parameter("lambda", -2.0, -4.0, -1.0) >>> Nsig = zfit.Parameter("Nsig", nsig, 0., N) >>> Nbkg = zfit.Parameter("Nbkg", nbkg, 0., N) >>> signal = zfit.pdf.Gauss(obs=obs, mu=mean, sigma=sigma).create_extended(Nsig) >>> background = zfit.pdf.Exponential(obs=obs, lambda_=lambda_).create_extended(Nbkg) >>> tot_model = zfit.pdf.SumPDF([signal, background]) Loss construction and minimization: >>> loss = ExtendedUnbinnedNLL(model=signal + background, data=data) >>> minimizer = Minuit() >>> minimum = minimizer.minimize(loss) sWeights computation: >>> from hepstats.splot import compute_sweights >>> sweights = compute_sweights(tot_model, data) >>> print(sweights) {<zfit.Parameter 'Nsig' floating=True value=4985>: array([-0.09953299, -0.09953299, -0.09953299, ..., 0.78689884, 1.08823111, 1.05948873]), <zfit.Parameter 'Nbkg' floating=True value=9989>: array([ 1.09953348, 1.09953348, 1.09953348, ..., 0.21310097, -0.08823153, -0.05948912])} """ if not is_valid_pdf(model): msg = f"{model} is not a valid pdf!" raise ValueError(msg) if not is_sum_of_extended_pdfs(model): msg = f"Input model, {model}, should be a sum of extended pdfs!" raise ValueError(msg) models = model.get_models() yields = [m.get_yield() for m in models] p = np.vstack([eval_pdf(m, x) for m in models]).T Nx = eval_pdf(model, x, allow_extended=True) pN = p / Nx[:, None] MLSR = pN.sum(axis=0) atol_warning = 5e-3 atol_exceptions = 5e-2 def msg_fn(tolerance): msg = ( "The Maximum Likelihood Sum Rule sanity check, described in equation 17 of" + " arXiv:physics/0402083, failed. According to this check the following quantities\n" ) for y, mlsr in zip(yields, MLSR): msg += f"\t* {}: {mlsr},\n" msg += f"should be equal to 1.0 with an absolute tolerance of {tolerance}." return msg if not np.allclose(MLSR, 1, atol=atol_exceptions): msg = msg_fn(atol_exceptions) msg += " The numbers suggest that the model is not fitted to the data. Please check your fit." raise ModelNotFittedToData(msg) if not np.allclose(MLSR, 1, atol=atol_warning): msg = msg_fn(atol_warning) msg += " If the fit to the data is good please ignore this warning." warnings.warn(msg, AboveToleranceWarning, stacklevel=2) Vinv = (pN) V = np.linalg.inv(Vinv) sweights = / Nx[:, None] return {y: sweights[:, i] for i, y in enumerate(yields)}