hepstats.hypotests ------------------ .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.core.discovery .. autosummary:: Discovery .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.core.upperlimit .. autosummary:: UpperLimit .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.core.confidence_interval .. autosummary:: ConfidenceInterval Parameters """""""""" .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.parameters .. autosummary:: POIarray POI Calculators """"""""""" Module defining the base class for the calculators for statistical tests based on the likelyhood ratio. Acronyms used in the code: * nll = negative log-likehood, which is the value of the `loss` attribute of a calculator; * obs = observed, i.e. measured on provided data. .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.calculators.asymptotic_calculator .. autosummary:: AsymptoticCalculator .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.calculators.frequentist_calculator .. autosummary:: FrequentistCalculator Toys utils """""""""" .. currentmodule:: hepstats.hypotests.toyutils .. autosummary:: ToyResult ToysManager