
You can see our affiliated projects, get links to documentation, see the guidelines for a new Scikit-HEP package to follow, and see our statement on Python version support here too.


Manipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Units and constants in the HEP system of units.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

Manipulate ragged arrays as NumPy or CuPy arrays.

PyPI Wheel

Manipulate Lorentz, 3D, and 2D vectors in NumPy, Numba, SymPy, or Awkward.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Data manipulation and interoperability:

Easy conversions between different styles of expressions.

PyPI Wheel

Bridge between columnar file formats such as ROOT and Parquet.

PyPI Wheel

Interface between ROOT and NumPy.

❌ Deprecated
Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Module for conveniently loading/saving ROOT files as pandas DataFrames.

❌ Deprecated
Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

ROOT I/O in pure Python and NumPy.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Terminal browser and tools for ROOT files

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

Pythonic behaviours for non-I/O related ROOT classes.

❌ Deprecated
Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel


Convert between histogram representations

❌ Deprecated
Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

Python bindings for the C++14 Boost::Histogram library.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Hist is a analyst friendly front-end for boost-histogram, designed for Python 3.6+.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Versatile, high-performance histogram toolkit for NumPy.

❌ Deprecated
PyPI Wheel Docs available

Histoprint nicely displays histograms in the terminal.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

Unified Histogram Interface, providing static tools and documentation for the common behavior and interaction between histogram libraries.

PyPI Wheel Docs available

Particles and decays:

Describe and convert particle decays between digital representations.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

PDG particle data and identification codes.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel


GPU/OpenMP fitting in Python and C++.

🀝 Affiliated
Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Jupyter-friendly Python interface for the Minuit2 C++ library.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Cost function builder. For fitting distributions.

❌ Deprecated
PyPI Wheel Docs available

Scalable Pythonic fitting

🀝 Affiliated
Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available


Design and steer profile likelihood fits.

PyPI Wheel Docs available

Statistics tools and utilities.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

pure-Python implementation of HistFactory models.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Interface to HEP libraries:

Official FastJet bindings to Python and Awkward Array.

PyPI Wheel Docs available

Interface between Pythia and NumPy.

❌ Deprecated
PyPI Wheel

Next generation Python bindings for HepMC3.

PyPI Wheel

Interface between FastJet and NumPy.

❌ Deprecated
PyPI Wheel

Lightweight Python interface to read Les Houches Event (LHE) files.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

Machine Learning:

Collection of tools and algorithms to enable conversion of HEP ML to mass usage model.


Plotting and styling helpers for matplotlib.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel Docs available

View Vega/Vega-Lite plots in your web browser from local or remote Python processes.

PyPI Wheel


A utility for building all PyPI supported binary wheels on all CI systems. See our guide for instructions.

🀝 Affiliated
PyPI Wheel Docs available

CERN’s ROOT on Conda-Forge.

🀝 Affiliated

A C++11 API for CPython and PyPy. Can create extension modules written purely in C++ or in C++ and Python; no new language, separate generation step or tooling required (header only templated C++).

🀝 Affiliated
PyPI Wheel Docs available

A Python 3.10+ framework for running configuration check plugins.

🀝 Affiliated
PyPI Wheel Docs available

Metapackage for the Scikit-HEP project providing various of its tools and interfaces.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

Common package to provide example files (e.g., ROOT) for testing and developing packages against.

Conda-Forge PyPI Wheel

Table of contents