
To install, we suggest first setting up a virtual environment

# Python3
python3 -m venv pyhf

and activating it

source pyhf/bin/activate

Install latest stable release from PyPI#

… with NumPy backend#

python -m pip install pyhf

… with TensorFlow backend#

python -m pip install 'pyhf[tensorflow]'

… with PyTorch backend#

python -m pip install 'pyhf[torch]'

… with JAX backend#

python -m pip install 'pyhf[jax]'

… with all backends#

python -m pip install 'pyhf[backends]'

… with xml import/export functionality#

python -m pip install 'pyhf[xmlio]'

Install latest development version from GitHub#

… with NumPy backend#

python -m pip install --upgrade 'pyhf@git+'

… with TensorFlow backend#

python -m pip install --upgrade 'pyhf[tensorflow]@git+'

… with PyTorch backend#

python -m pip install --upgrade 'pyhf[torch]@git+'

… with JAX backend#

python -m pip install --upgrade 'pyhf[jax]@git+'

… with all backends#

python -m pip install --upgrade 'pyhf[backends]@git+'

… with xml import/export functionality#

python -m pip install --upgrade 'pyhf[xmlio]@git+'

Updating pyhf#

Rerun the installation command. As the upgrade flag (-U, --upgrade) is used then the libraries will be updated.