Source code for pyhf.optimize.mixins

"""Helper Classes for use of automatic differentiation."""

import logging

import numpy as np

from pyhf import exceptions
from pyhf.optimize.common import shim
from pyhf.tensor.manager import get_backend

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class OptimizerMixin: """Mixin Class to build optimizers.""" __slots__ = ['maxiter', 'verbose']
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Create an optimizer. Args: maxiter (:obj:`int`): maximum number of iterations. Default is 100000. verbose (:obj:`int`): verbose output level during minimization. Default is off (0). """ self.maxiter = kwargs.pop('maxiter', 100000) self.verbose = kwargs.pop('verbose', 0) if kwargs: raise exceptions.Unsupported( f"Unsupported kwargs were passed in: {list(kwargs)}." )
[docs] def _internal_minimize( self, func, x0, do_grad=False, bounds=None, fixed_vals=None, options={}, par_names=None, ): minimizer = self._get_minimizer( func, x0, bounds, fixed_vals=fixed_vals, do_grad=do_grad, par_names=par_names, ) result = self._minimize( minimizer, func, x0, do_grad=do_grad, bounds=bounds, fixed_vals=fixed_vals, options=options, ) try: assert result.success except AssertionError: log.error(result, exc_info=True) raise exceptions.FailedMinimization(result) return result
[docs] def _internal_postprocess(self, fitresult, stitch_pars, return_uncertainties=False): """ Post-process the fit result. Returns: fitresult (scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult): A modified version of the fit result. """ tensorlib, _ = get_backend() # stitch in missing parameters (e.g. fixed parameters) fitted_pars = stitch_pars(tensorlib.astensor(fitresult.x)) # check if uncertainties were provided (and stitch just in case) uncertainties = getattr(fitresult, 'unc', None) if uncertainties is not None: # extract number of fixed parameters num_fixed_pars = len(fitted_pars) - len(fitresult.x) # FIXME: Set uncertainties for fixed parameters to 0 manually # # # uncertainties = np.where(fitresult.minuit.fixed, 0.0, uncertainties) # stitch in zero-uncertainty for fixed values uncertainties = stitch_pars( tensorlib.astensor(uncertainties), stitch_with=tensorlib.zeros(num_fixed_pars), ) if return_uncertainties: fitted_pars = tensorlib.stack([fitted_pars, uncertainties], axis=1) correlations = getattr(fitresult, 'corr', None) if correlations is not None: _zeros = tensorlib.zeros(num_fixed_pars) # possibly a more elegant way to do this stitched_columns = [ stitch_pars(tensorlib.astensor(column), stitch_with=_zeros) for column in zip(*correlations) ] stitched_rows = [ stitch_pars(tensorlib.astensor(row), stitch_with=_zeros) for row in zip(*stitched_columns) ] correlations = tensorlib.stack(stitched_rows, axis=1) fitresult.x = fitted_pars = tensorlib.astensor( fitresult.unc = uncertainties fitresult.corr = correlations return fitresult
[docs] def minimize( self, objective, data, pdf, init_pars, par_bounds, fixed_vals=None, return_fitted_val=False, return_result_obj=False, return_uncertainties=False, return_correlations=False, do_grad=None, do_stitch=False, **kwargs, ): """ Find parameters that minimize the objective. Args: objective (:obj:`func`): objective function data (:obj:`list`): observed data pdf (~pyhf.pdf.Model): The statistical model adhering to the schema model.json init_pars (:obj:`list` of :obj:`float`): The starting values of the model parameters for minimization. par_bounds (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list`/:obj:`tuple`): The extrema of values the model parameters are allowed to reach in the fit. The shape should be ``(n, 2)`` for ``n`` model parameters. fixed_vals (:obj:`list` of :obj:`list`/:obj:`tuple`): The pairs of index and constant value for a constant model parameter during minimization. Set to ``None`` to allow all parameters to float. return_fitted_val (:obj:`bool`): Return bestfit value of the objective. Default is off (``False``). return_result_obj (:obj:`bool`): Return :class:`scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`. Default is off (``False``). return_uncertainties (:obj:`bool`): Return uncertainties on the fitted parameters. Default is off (``False``). return_correlations (:obj:`bool`): Return correlations of the fitted parameters. Default is off (``False``). do_grad (:obj:`bool`): enable autodifferentiation mode. Default depends on backend (:attr:`pyhf.tensorlib.default_do_grad`). do_stitch (:obj:`bool`): enable splicing/stitching fixed parameter. kwargs: other options to pass through to underlying minimizer Returns: Fitted parameters or tuple of results: - parameters (:obj:`tensor`): fitted parameters - minimum (:obj:`float`): if ``return_fitted_val`` flagged, return minimized objective value - result (:class:`scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`): if ``return_result_obj`` flagged """ # Configure do_grad based on backend "automagically" if not set by user tensorlib, _ = get_backend() do_grad = tensorlib.default_do_grad if do_grad is None else do_grad minimizer_kwargs, stitch_pars = shim( objective, data, pdf, init_pars, par_bounds, fixed_vals, do_grad=do_grad, do_stitch=do_stitch, ) # handle non-pyhf ModelConfigs try: par_names = pdf.config.par_names except AttributeError: par_names = None # need to remove parameters that are fixed in the fit if par_names and do_stitch and fixed_vals: for index, _ in fixed_vals: par_names[index] = None par_names = [name for name in par_names if name] result = self._internal_minimize( **minimizer_kwargs, options=kwargs, par_names=par_names ) result = self._internal_postprocess( result, stitch_pars, return_uncertainties=return_uncertainties ) _returns = [result.x] if return_correlations: _returns.append(result.corr) if return_fitted_val: _returns.append( if return_result_obj: _returns.append(result) return tuple(_returns) if len(_returns) > 1 else _returns[0]