Source code for pyhf.optimize.opt_minuit

"""Minuit Optimizer Class."""

from pyhf import exceptions
from pyhf.optimize.mixins import OptimizerMixin
import scipy
import iminuit

[docs] class minuit_optimizer(OptimizerMixin): """ Optimizer that minimizes via :meth:`iminuit.Minuit.migrad`. """ __slots__ = ['name', 'errordef', 'steps', 'strategy', 'tolerance']
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create :class:`iminuit.Minuit` optimizer. .. note:: ``errordef`` should be 1.0 for a least-squares cost function and 0.50 for negative log-likelihood function --- see `MINUIT: Function Minimization and Error Analysis Reference Manual <>`_ Section 7.1: Function normalization and ERROR DEF. This parameter is sometimes called ``UP`` in the ``MINUIT`` docs. Args: errordef (:obj:`float`): See minuit docs. Default is ``1.0``. steps (:obj:`int`): Number of steps for the bounds. Default is ``1000``. strategy (:obj:`int`): See :attr:`iminuit.Minuit.strategy`. Default is ``None``, which results in either :attr:`iminuit.Minuit.strategy` ``0`` or ``1`` from the evaluation of ``int(not pyhf.tensorlib.default_do_grad)``. tolerance (:obj:`float`): Tolerance for termination. See specific optimizer for detailed meaning. Default is ``0.1``. """ = 'minuit' self.errordef = kwargs.pop('errordef', 1) self.steps = kwargs.pop('steps', 1000) self.strategy = kwargs.pop('strategy', None) self.tolerance = kwargs.pop('tolerance', 0.1) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def _get_minimizer( self, objective_and_grad, init_pars, init_bounds, fixed_vals=None, do_grad=False, par_names=None, ): fixed_vals = fixed_vals or [] # Minuit wants True/False for each parameter fixed_bools = [False] * len(init_pars) for index, val in fixed_vals: fixed_bools[index] = True init_pars[index] = val # Minuit requires jac=callable if do_grad: wrapped_objective = lambda pars: objective_and_grad(pars)[0] # noqa: E731 jac = lambda pars: objective_and_grad(pars)[1] # noqa: E731 else: wrapped_objective = objective_and_grad jac = None minuit = iminuit.Minuit(wrapped_objective, init_pars, grad=jac, name=par_names) minuit.limits = init_bounds minuit.fixed = fixed_bools minuit.print_level = self.verbose minuit.errordef = self.errordef return minuit
[docs] def _minimize( self, minimizer, func, x0, do_grad=False, bounds=None, fixed_vals=None, options={}, ): """ Same signature as :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize`. Note: an additional `minuit` is injected into the fitresult to get the underlying minimizer. Minimizer Options: * maxiter (:obj:`int`): Maximum number of iterations. Default is ``100000``. * strategy (:obj:`int`): See :attr:`iminuit.Minuit.strategy`. Default is to configure in response to ``do_grad``. * tolerance (:obj:`float`): Tolerance for termination. See specific optimizer for detailed meaning. Default is ``0.1``. Returns: fitresult (scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult): the fit result """ maxiter = options.pop('maxiter', self.maxiter) # do_grad value results in iminuit.Minuit.strategy of either: # 0: Fast. Does not check a user-provided gradient. # 1: Default. Checks user-provided gradient against numerical gradient. strategy = options.pop("strategy", self.strategy) # Guard against None from either self.strategy defaulting to None or # passing strategy=None as options kwarg if strategy is None: strategy = 0 if do_grad else 1 tolerance = options.pop('tolerance', self.tolerance) if options: raise exceptions.Unsupported( f"Unsupported options were passed in: {list(options)}." ) minimizer.strategy = strategy minimizer.tol = tolerance minimizer.migrad(ncall=maxiter) # Following lines below come from: # message = "Optimization terminated successfully." if not minimizer.valid: message = "Optimization failed." fmin = minimizer.fmin if fmin.has_reached_call_limit: message += " Call limit was reached." if fmin.is_above_max_edm: message += " Estimated distance to minimum too large." hess_inv = None corr = None unc = None if minimizer.valid: # Extra call to hesse() after migrad() is always needed for good error estimates. If you pass a user-provided gradient to MINUIT, convergence is faster. minimizer.hesse() hess_inv = minimizer.covariance corr = hess_inv.correlation() unc = minimizer.errors return scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult( x=minimizer.values, unc=unc, corr=corr, success=minimizer.valid, fun=minimizer.fval, hess_inv=hess_inv, message=message, nfev=minimizer.nfcn, njev=minimizer.ngrad, minuit=minimizer, )