pyhf patchset provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with patchsets.
import logging
import jsonpatch
from pyhf import exceptions
from pyhf import utils
from pyhf import schema
from pyhf.workspace import Workspace
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__all__ = ["Patch", "PatchSet"]
def __dir__():
return __all__
class Patch(jsonpatch.JsonPatch):
A way to store a patch definition as part of a patchset (:class:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet`).
It contains :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.Patch.metadata` about the Patch itself:
* a descriptive :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.Patch.name`
* a list of the :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.Patch.values` for each dimension in the phase-space the associated :class:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet` is defined for, see :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet.labels`
In addition to the above metadata, the Patch object behaves like the underlying :class:`jsonpatch.JsonPatch`.
def __init__(self, spec):
Construct a Patch.
spec (:obj:`jsonable`): The patch JSON specification
patch (:class:`~pyhf.patchset.Patch`): The Patch instance.
self._metadata = spec['metadata']
def metadata(self):
"""The metadata of the patch"""
return self._metadata
def name(self):
"""The name of the patch"""
return self.metadata['name']
def values(self):
"""The values of the associated labels for the patch"""
return tuple(self.metadata['values'])
def __repr__(self):
"""Representation of the object"""
module = type(self).__module__
qualname = type(self).__qualname__
return f"<{module}.{qualname} object '{self.name}{self.values}' at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality for subclass with new attributes"""
if not isinstance(other, Patch):
return False
return (
jsonpatch.JsonPatch.__eq__(self, other) and self.metadata == other.metadata
class PatchSet:
A way to store a collection of patches (:class:`~pyhf.patchset.Patch`).
It contains :attr:`~PatchSet.metadata` about the PatchSet itself:
* a high-level :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet.description` of what the patches represent or the analysis it is for
* a list of :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet.references` where the patchset is sourced from (e.g. hepdata)
* a list of :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet.digests` corresponding to the background-only workspace the patchset was made for
* the :attr:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet.labels` of the dimensions of the phase-space for what the patches cover
In addition to the above metadata, the PatchSet object behaves like a:
* smart list allowing you to iterate over all the patches defined
* smart dictionary allowing you to access a patch by the patch name or the patch values
The below example shows various ways one can interact with a :class:`PatchSet` object.
>>> import pyhf
>>> patchset = pyhf.PatchSet({
... "metadata": {
... "references": { "hepdata": "ins1234567" },
... "description": "example patchset",
... "digests": { "md5": "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6" },
... "labels": ["x", "y"]
... },
... "patches": [
... {
... "metadata": {
... "name": "patch_name_for_2100x_800y",
... "values": [2100, 800]
... },
... "patch": [
... {
... "op": "add",
... "path": "/foo/0/bar",
... "value": {
... "foo": [1.0]
... }
... }
... ]
... }
... ],
... "version": "1.0.0"
... })
>>> patchset.version
>>> patchset.references
{'hepdata': 'ins1234567'}
>>> patchset.description
'example patchset'
>>> patchset.digests
{'md5': '098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6'}
>>> patchset.labels
['x', 'y']
>>> patchset.patches
[<pyhf.patchset.Patch object 'patch_name_for_2100x_800y(2100, 800)' at 0x...>]
>>> patchset['patch_name_for_2100x_800y']
<pyhf.patchset.Patch object 'patch_name_for_2100x_800y(2100, 800)' at 0x...>
>>> patchset[(2100,800)]
<pyhf.patchset.Patch object 'patch_name_for_2100x_800y(2100, 800)' at 0x...>
>>> patchset[[2100,800]]
<pyhf.patchset.Patch object 'patch_name_for_2100x_800y(2100, 800)' at 0x...>
>>> patchset[2100,800]
<pyhf.patchset.Patch object 'patch_name_for_2100x_800y(2100, 800)' at 0x...>
>>> for patch in patchset:
... print(patch.name)
>>> len(patchset)
def __init__(self, spec, **config_kwargs):
Construct a PatchSet.
spec (:obj:`jsonable`): The patchset JSON specification
config_kwargs: Possible keyword arguments for the patchset validation
patchset (:class:`~pyhf.patchset.PatchSet`): The PatchSet instance.
self.schema = config_kwargs.pop('schema', 'patchset.json')
self._version = config_kwargs.pop('version', spec.get('version', None))
# run jsonschema validation of input specification against the (provided) schema
log.info(f"Validating spec against schema: {self.schema}")
schema.validate(spec, self.schema, version=self._version)
# set properties based on metadata
self._metadata = spec['metadata']
# list of all patch objects
self._patches = []
# look-up table for retrieving patch by name or values
self._patches_by_key = {'name': {}, 'values': {}}
# inflate all patches
for patchspec in spec['patches']:
patch = Patch(patchspec)
if patch.name in self._patches_by_key:
raise exceptions.InvalidPatchSet(
f'Multiple patches were defined by name for {patch}.'
if patch.values in self._patches_by_key:
raise exceptions.InvalidPatchSet(
f'Multiple patches were defined by values for {patch}.'
if len(patch.values) != len(self.labels):
raise exceptions.InvalidPatchSet(
f'Incompatible number of values ({len(patch.values)} for {patch} in patchset. Expected {len(self.labels)}.'
# all good, register patch
# register lookup keys for the patch
self._patches_by_key[patch.name] = patch
self._patches_by_key[patch.values] = patch
def version(self):
"""The version of the PatchSet"""
return self._version
def metadata(self):
"""The metadata of the PatchSet"""
return self._metadata
def references(self):
"""The references in the PatchSet metadata"""
return self.metadata['references']
def description(self):
"""The description in the PatchSet metadata"""
return self.metadata['description']
def digests(self):
"""The digests in the PatchSet metadata"""
return self.metadata['digests']
def labels(self):
"""The labels in the PatchSet metadata"""
return self.metadata['labels']
def patches(self):
"""The patches in the PatchSet"""
return self._patches
def __repr__(self):
"""Representation of the object"""
module = type(self).__module__
qualname = type(self).__qualname__
return f"<{module}.{qualname} object with {len(self.patches)} patch{'es' if len(self.patches) != 1 else ''} at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __getitem__(self, key):
Access the patch in the patchset by the specified key, either by name or by values.
~pyhf.exceptions.InvalidPatchLookup: if the provided patch name is not in the patchset
patch (:class:`~pyhf.patchset.Patch`): The patch associated with the specified key
# might be specified as a list, convert to hashable tuple instead for lookup
if isinstance(key, list):
key = tuple(key)
return self._patches_by_key[key]
except KeyError:
raise exceptions.InvalidPatchLookup(
f'No patch associated with "{key}" is defined in patchset.'
def __iter__(self):
Iterate over the defined patches in the patchset.
iterable (:obj:`iter`): An iterable over the list of patches in the patchset.
return iter(self.patches)
def __len__(self):
The number of patches in the patchset.
quantity (:obj:`int`): The number of patches in the patchset.
return len(self.patches)
def verify(self, spec):
Verify the patchset digests against a background-only workspace specification. Verified if no exception was raised.
spec (:class:`~pyhf.workspace.Workspace`): The workspace specification to verify the patchset against.
~pyhf.exceptions.PatchSetVerificationError: if the patchset cannot be verified against the workspace specification
for hash_alg, digest in self.digests.items():
digest_calc = utils.digest(spec, algorithm=hash_alg)
if not digest_calc == digest:
raise exceptions.PatchSetVerificationError(
f"The digest verification failed for hash algorithm '{hash_alg}'. Expected: {digest}. Got: {digest_calc}"
def apply(self, spec, key):
Apply the patch associated with the key to the background-only workspace specificatiom.
spec (:class:`~pyhf.workspace.Workspace`): The workspace specification to verify the patchset against.
key (:obj:`str` or :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int`/:obj:`float`): The key to look up the associated patch - either a name or a set of values.
~pyhf.exceptions.InvalidPatchLookup: if the provided patch name is not in the patchset
~pyhf.exceptions.PatchSetVerificationError: if the patchset cannot be verified against the workspace specification
workspace (:class:`~pyhf.workspace.Workspace`): The background-only workspace with the patch applied.
return Workspace(self[key].apply(spec))