Source code for pyhf.schema.validator

import numbers
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Mapping, Union

import jsonschema

import pyhf.exceptions
from pyhf import tensor
from pyhf.schema import variables
from pyhf.schema.loader import load_schema

def _is_array_or_tensor(checker, instance):
    A helper function for allowing the validation of tensors as list types in schema validation.

    .. warning:

        This will check for valid array types using any backends that have been loaded so far.
    return isinstance(instance, (list, *tensor.array_types))

def _is_number_or_tensor_subtype(checker, instance):
    A helper function for allowing the validation of tensor contents as number types in schema validation.

    .. warning:
        This will check for valid array subtypes using any backends that have been loaded so far.
    is_number = jsonschema._types.is_number(checker, instance)
    if is_number:
        return True
    return isinstance(instance, (numbers.Number, *tensor.array_subtypes))

[docs] def validate( spec: Mapping, schema_name: str, *, version: Union[str, None] = None, allow_tensors: bool = True, ): """ Validate the provided instance, ``spec``, against the schema associated with ``schema_name``. Args: spec (:obj:`object`): An object instance to validate against a schema. schema_name (:obj:`string`): The name of a schema to validate against. See :func:`pyhf.schema.load_schema` for more details. version (:obj:`string`): The version of the schema to use. See :func:`pyhf.schema.load_schema` for more details. allow_tensors (:obj:`bool`): A flag to enable or disable tensors as part of schema validation. If enabled, tensors in the ``spec`` will be treated like python :obj:`list`. Default: ``True``. Raises: ~pyhf.exceptions.InvalidSpecification: if the provided instance does not validate against the schema. Returns: None: if there are no errors with the provided instance. Example: >>> import pyhf >>> model = pyhf.simplemodels.uncorrelated_background( ... signal=[12.0, 11.0], bkg=[50.0, 52.0], bkg_uncertainty=[3.0, 7.0] ... ) >>> pyhf.schema.validate(model.spec, "model.json") >>> """ version = version or variables.SCHEMA_VERSION schema = load_schema(str(Path(version).joinpath(schema_name))) # note: trailing slash needed for RefResolver to resolve correctly and by # design, pathlib strips trailing slashes. See ref below: # * # * resolver = jsonschema.RefResolver( base_uri=f"{Path(variables.schemas).joinpath(version).as_uri()}/", referrer=schema_name, store=variables.SCHEMA_CACHE, ) Validator = jsonschema.Draft6Validator if allow_tensors: type_checker = Validator.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine( "array", _is_array_or_tensor ).redefine("number", _is_number_or_tensor_subtype) Validator = jsonschema.validators.extend(Validator, type_checker=type_checker) validator = Validator(schema, resolver=resolver, format_checker=None) try: return validator.validate(spec) except jsonschema.ValidationError as err: raise pyhf.exceptions.InvalidSpecification(err, schema_name)